Welcome to Korso Consulting
Mainly in the energy sector, Korso supports its clients and partners in strategy, development, integration and management. The experience of its founder and its network of experts allows it to handle complex and large-scale projects. The topics to focus on are new energies, renewable energies, energy services, utilities and heating and cooling networks.
Liquefied natural gas
- Study, creation and start-up of a liquefied natural gas marketing activity in Italy for industrial customers.
- Recruitment of the teams, creation of the company and operational launch.
- contract to an industrial customer. (10 years)
- Technical, logistic and facilities management lots.
- Negotiations, start-up and management
- 250 collaborators
Czech Republic
Heat production and distribution
- Acquisition and integration of a heat production and distribution activity in the Czech Republic. Then a gas engine cogeneration project.
- 55 M€ of turnover
- 200 collaborators
Biomass gasification
- Gasification of biomass and combustion in old coal plants. Production of steam, then electricity and heat.
- Studies, financing, construction and operation
- 200,000 tons of gasified wood per year
- 10 MW of electrical production
- Study of a photovoltaic project in Argentina in the Salta region
- 120 MW electrical
Energy Efficiency
- Energy Efficiency Strategy in Ukraine
- Supporting a leading Ukrainian electricity and gas company in formalizing its strategy as a third-party investor in energy services